Does Zquiet Really Work? Live Proof…

If you are reading this post then you or someone you knows snores. My snoring was driving my wife nuts! I was watching a Zquiet commercial one evening and decide to give it a try. After all, what did I have to lose…

Zquiet works for most people. It will either make your snoring go away completely, greatly reduce your snoring, or just barely reduce your snoring. It works because it keeps your airway open by holding your lower jaw forward which keeps the base of your tongue from blocking your airway.

Zquiet worked great for me for many years and I have life proof on video to help ease your skepticism. However, first let me start from the beginning so I can explain what snoring is and how Zquiet works.

What Is Snoring? defines snoring as: “the hoarse or harsh sound that occurs when air flows past relaxed tissues in your throat, causing the tissues to vibrate as you breathe.”

Okay, how on earth is a mouthpiece like Zquiet going to help when it isn’t even in my throat?

Zquiet is a rather unique mandibular advancement device or M.A.D. for short.

What Is A Mandibular Advancement Device? best sums it up: “An anti-snoring device like the mandibular advancement device helps to diminish any restriction that occurs in the back of the throat by moving the jaw and tongue forward. By advancing them, the jaw and tongue move away from the back of the throat. This increases the size of the upper airway, thus reducing the air resistance that leads to snoring.”

Voila! There you have it in a nutshell.

Why Does Zquiet Work for Me?

You can order Zquiet with faith since it is designed by dentists. As described above Zquiet was designed to keep the base of your tongue from blocking your airway. This is achieved by holding your entire lower jaw forward while you sleep.

When you fall asleep, your muscles relax and if you sleep on your back your lower jaw and tongue can relax too much and restrict your airway which causes snoring.

I used Zquiet for over six years while I had sleep apnea. The reason I did this is I didn’t even know that I had sleep apnea. So, in a nutshell, Zquiet may have saved my life just by coincidence.

Obstructive sleep apnea is when your airway is blocked so bad that you actually stop breathing and hopefully wake up. This usually happened to me when I was lying on my back as you can see from the video above.

Zquiet worked for me because I sleep with my mouth open a lot, let me explain…

What Sets Zquiet Apart from Other Mouthpieces?

Living Hinge Technology

Okay, so I already said that all mouthpieces work to some degree. Let me say this, “after testing several mouthpieces, Zquiet was the most comfortable and effective mouthpiece that worked for me.”

Do I have proof? Yes, just watch the above video. Zquiet has something called the ‘Living Hinge’ technology that they have a patent for. This completely sets them apart from the other mouthpieces.

The living hinge lets you open and close your mouth while still holding your lower jaw forward in front of your upper jaw. This may not seem like a big deal, but it made a huuuuge difference for me.

I usually sleep with my mouth open so I found with the other mouthpieces that my upper or lower jaw would pop out of the mouthpiece and I would snore or sometimes snore even worse.

One of the other mouthpieces scared me because it completely came loose in my mouth. I don’t know what would have happened if it would have turned sideways.

Zquiet also worked great for me because it usually kept me from snoring completely which led to me getting a better night’s sleep and I didn’t wake up my wife, so she got a better night’s sleep as well. If Zquiet didn’t completely eliminate my snoring, it still greatly reduced it.

Zquiet Construction

Zquiet is made from BPA free thermo plastic elastomers. BPA is an industrial chemical used in plastics that can leach out of the material and has been shown to cause mild – severe adverse health effects. Zquiet is very lightweight and will last for a long time.

I did have to replace my Zquiet every few months because it would wear out, but I think this was because I slept with my mouth open which put more pressure on the hinge and caused it to wear out faster.

Every few months is a small price to pay to eliminate the problems caused by snoring…

FDA Approved

Zquiet has been approved by the food and drug administration, so it can even be prescribed by doctors and dentists.

Zquiet Worked Right Away

I was excited but skeptical when I first ordered my Zquiet. It came I two sizes. One advances your lower jaw out a little ways and the other size advances your lower jaw out farther. Your supposed to start with the smaller size first.

I started with the smaller size first and it reduced my snoring, but I was still snoring. When I tried the larger size, it stopped my snoring the first night.

Most, if not all of the other mouthpieces require you to boil the mouthpiece and then bite down on it to leave your teeth impression for a custom fit. It can be cumbersome, time consuming and very annoying if you don’t get it right the first time.

Zquiet just needs to be rinsed off or cleaned off. It is best to just soak it in some Efferdent for five minutes to clean it and then it is ready to go.

Who Shouldn’t Use Zquiet

If you wear dentures then you can’t use a stop snoring mouthpiece. Denture wearers and extremely loud snorers will probably have to use a Cpap machine.

Do Stop Snoring Mouthpieces Really Work?

If you have shopped around for mouthpieces that stop your snoring or just shopped for an over-the-counter method to stop your snoring then you have come across stop snoring mouthpieces.

The most popular or famous mouthpiece may be Zyppah since it is promoted by Shaquille O’Neal. I was pretty excited when I tried Zyppah out for the first time, but I was really disappointed. Zyppah worked but it was the most uncomfortable mouthpiece that I tried. The strap that holds your tongue down made me gag a lot and I could not swallow.

Zquiet allows me to open and close my mouth and swallow so I don’t gag.

Anyways, I have tried out several stop snoring mouthpieces and they all work to some degree so in the end it comes down to comfort and finding the mouthpiece that works best for you.

The mouthpieces all come with a trial period so you can try them out and then return them if you don’t like them.

Frequently Asked Questions About Zquiet

Which is better SnoreRX vs ZQuiet?

I personally have tried both of these mouthpieces. Zquiet worked best for me because it was more comfortable and allowed me to open and close my mouth while sleeping. SnoreRX is my favorite mouthpiece out of the non-hinged adjustable mouthpieces.

SnoreRX also greatly reduced my snoring but Zquiet is still the best. You can always try them both with the trial period to return them.

Can you buy ZQuiet in stores?

Since Zquiet is approved by the FDA you can not buy it over the counter. You have to get it directly from or prescribed by a doctor or dentist.

Is ZQuiet FDA approved?

As stated above Zquiet has been approved by the FDA based on the BPA free materials used to make it and its design.

How much does ZQuiet cost?

Zquiet costs $79.95 for the two different sizes that come in a handy storage container.

It costs $89.95 to get an entire snoring system that comes with the Original ZQuiet Mouthpiece, the ZQuiet Breathe to expand the nasal passageway, and the ZQuiet Chin-UP which helps stabilize the mouthpiece and prevent loud open mouth snoring as well as the ZQuiet Clean to keep your ZQuiet Mouthpiece and ZQuiet Breathe minty fresh.

How do you take ZQuiet?

Zquiet is not a pill or liquid, so you don’t take it. As described above, it is a mouth pice that you put in your mouth that keeps your lower jaw and the base of your tongue from relaxing too much and constricting your airway.

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